Core concepts

Understanding apep

The Apep framework provides users with two distinct modes for performing rotations: DSL and Lua.

  • In the DSL mode, users can define rotations using a DSL(domain-specific language specifically) designed for expressing rotation logic. This mode simplifies the process of creating complex rotation sequences by offering a streamlined syntax tailored to rotation-related tasks.

  • The Lua mode allows users to harness the power and flexibility of the Lua scripting language to define rotations. This mode is particularly useful for users who are already familiar with Lua or require a high degree of customization and fine-tuning in their rotation logic.

You should know!

Both modes are designed to accommodate different user preferences and skill levels. DSL mode prioritizes simplicity and ease of use. Lua mode empowers advanced users with more control. Users can choose between these modes based on their requirements, allowing for a versatile and adaptable rotation experience.

DSL mode:

Apep makes use of a custom DLS (Domain-Specific Language). Apep DSL was inspired by how Probably Engine used to work, it remains as simple but alot more powerfull. DSL line (Basic structure):


Lua mode example:

local player = Unit('player')

