

In DSL mode, Apep already comes with many conditions to facilitate the creation of rotations (Less lines of code and more readable), CONDITIONS are the set of rules or criteria that must be met for an action to take place. They provide a way to control when and how an ACTION is executed. Let's dive into the syntax and explore examples to better understand the functionality offered by the CONDITIONS component.

For example this line:

{"Soulstone", "!buff", "player"},

Creates a soulstone on the player if he doesn't have the soulstone buff. buff is a condition and as you may have noticed there are already a lot of predefined ones.

But if you want to create a custom condition, you already have to do it yourself. example:

-- Register a condition named "class".
-- This condition checks if the specified target unit belongs to the expected class.
-- @param target The unit to check for the class.
-- @param expectedClass The expected class name or class ID to compare with.
-- @return `true` if the target unit belongs to the expected class, `false` otherwise.
_A.DSL:Register('class', function (target, expectedClass)
    local class, _, classID = UnitClass(target)
    if tonumber(expectedClass) then
        return tonumber(expectedClass) == classID
        return expectedClass == class

And this is pure lua code.

DLS Syntax

The basic syntax for CONDITIONS is encapsulated within curly braces, as part of the ACTION structure. It consists of three key elements: ACTION, CONDITIONS, and UNIT.


Here's a breakdown of each component:

  • ACTION: This is the command or operation you want to execute. It could be the name of a spell, a function call, a macro, an item number, or even a reference to a library.

  • CONDITIONS: These are the criteria that must be met for the action to take place. Conditions ensure that the action is executed under specific circumstances.

  • UNIT/FAKEUNIT: This specifies the target unit for the action. It could be player, target or any other valid unit identifier or FakeUnit.

DLS Examples

{ACTION, "inmelee && player.buff(Taste for Blood).stack < 3 && spell(Slam).usable", UNIT}

This example represents a conditional spell casting action. Replace the text within the quotation marks with the name of the desired conditions. Define your specific ACTION and UNIT accordingly.

{ACTION, "player.buff(Bloodlust).any", UNIT}
{ACTION, "player.buff(Bloodlust).any || player.buff(Heroism).any", UNIT}
{ACTION, "inmelee && rage > 80", UNIT}