

In the world of scripting, an ACTION represents the core command or operation you want to perform. It can be a spell, a function call, a macro, or any other executable unit. Let's dive into the syntax and explore examples to better grasp the flexibility and functionality offered by the ACTION component.


The basic syntax for an ACTION is encapsulated within curly braces, with three key elements: ACTION, CONDITIONS, and UNIT.


Here's a breakdown of each component:

  • ACTION: This is the command or operation you want to execute. It could be the name of a spell, a function call, a macro, an item number, or even a reference to a library.

  • CONDITIONS: These are the criteria that must be met for the action to take place. Conditions ensure that the action is executed under specific circumstances.

  • UNIT/FAKEUNIT: This specifies the target unit for the action. It could be player, target or any other valid unit identifier or FakeUnit.




This example represents a spell casting action. Replace Charge with the name of the desired spell. Define your specific conditions and target unit accordingly.


{"/cast xxxxxxx", CONDITIONS, UNIT}

This example represents a spell casting action. Replace "xxxxxxx" with the name of the desired spell. Define your specific conditions and target unit accordingly.

{"/use xxxxxxx", CONDITIONS, UNIT}

Here, the action involves using an item with the specified item number. Customize the item number, conditions, and target unit based on your requirements.

Function Call

  _A.CastSpellByName("Mangle", "target")

For more complex actions, you can use a Lua function. This example demonstrates a function that casts the spell "Mangle" on the target. Customize the function, conditions, and target unit to suit your scripting requirements.


The ACTION component is the backbone of your scripts, allowing you to perform a wide range of actions, from simple spell casting to intricate function calls. Use this documentation as your guide to crafting powerful and efficient scripts for your projects.
