
  • This condition counts the number of enemy units within a specified distance of a target unit.


  • UNIT: The unit around which to count enemies.
  • DISTANCE: The maximum distance within which to count enemies (default is 40).

Returns NUMBER

  • The total number of enemy units within the specified distance of the target unit.


-- DSL Mode
{ACTION, "UNIT.area(20).enemies >= 3", UNIT},

-- in Lua code
_A.DSL:Get("area.enemies")("UNIT", "20") >= 3

-- Lua Mode
UNIT:AreaEnemies(20) >= 3


  • This condition counts the number of enemy units within a specified range of a target unit.


  • UNIT: The unit around which to count enemies.
  • RANGE: The maximum range within which to count enemies (default is 40).

Returns NUMBER

  • The total number of enemy units within the specified range of the target unit.


-- DSL Mode
{ACTION, "UNIT.area_range(20).enemies >= 3", UNIT},

-- in Lua code
_A.DSL:Get("area.area_range")("UNIT", "20") >= 3

-- Lua Mode
UNIT:Area_rangeEnemies(20) >= 3


area.combatenemies || area.cbenemies

  • This condition counts the number of enemy combat units within a specified distance of a target unit.


  • UNIT: The unit around which to count enemies.
  • DISTANCE: The maximum distance within which to count combat enemies (default is 40).

Returns NUMBER

  • The total number of combat enemy units within the specified distance of the target unit.


-- DSL Mode
{ACTION, "UNIT.area(20).combatenemies >= 3", UNIT},

-- in Lua code
_A.DSL:Get("area.combatenemies")("UNIT", "20") >= 3

-- Lua Mode
UNIT:AreaCombatenemies(20) >= 3


area_range.combatenemies || area_range.cbenemies

  • This condition counts the number of enemy combat units within a specified range of a target unit.


  • UNIT: The unit around which to count enemies.
  • RANGE: The maximum range within which to count combat enemies (default is 40).

Returns NUMBER

  • The total number of combat enemy units within the specified range of the target unit.


-- DSL Mode
{ACTION, "UNIT.area_range(20).combatenemies >= 3", UNIT},

-- in Lua code
_A.DSL:Get("area_range.combatenemies")("UNIT", "20") >= 3

-- Lua Mode
UNIT:Area_rangeCombatenemies(20) >= 3


  • This condition counts the number of enemy units within a specified distance that are in front of the provided unit.


  • UNIT: The unit to use as the reference point for checking enemy positions (e.g., "player", "target").
  • DISTANCE: The maximum distance to consider for counting enemies (default is 40).

Returns NUMBER

  • The total count of enemy units that are both within the specified distance and in front of the provided unit.


-- DSL Mode
{ACTION, "UNIT.area(20).enemies.infront >= 3", UNIT},

-- in Lua code
_A.DSL:Get("area.enemies.infront")("UNIT", "20") >= 3

-- Lua Mode
UNIT:AreaEnemiesInfront(20) >= 3


  • This condition counts the number of enemy units within a specified combat range that are in front of the provided unit.


  • UNIT: The unit to use as the reference point for checking enemy positions (e.g., "player", "target").
  • RANGE: The maximum combat range to consider for counting enemies (default is 40).

Returns NUMBER

  • The total count of enemy units that are both within the specified combat range and in front of the provided unit.


-- DSL Mode
{ACTION, "UNIT.area_range(20).enemies.infront >= 3", UNIT},

-- in Lua code
_A.DSL:Get("area_range.enemies.infront")("UNIT", "20") >= 3

-- Lua Mode
UNIT:Area_rangeEnemiesInfront(20) >= 3


area.combatenemies.infront || area.cbenemies.infront

  • This condition counts the number of enemy units within a specified distance that are also in front of a target unit.


  • UNIT: The unit around which to count enemies.
  • DISTANCE: The maximum distance within which to count combat enemies (default is 40).

Returns NUMBER

  • The total number of combat enemy units within the specified distance of the target unit.


-- DSL Mode
{ACTION, "UNIT.area(20).combatenemies.infront >= 3", UNIT},

-- in Lua code
_A.DSL:Get("area.combatenemies.infront")("UNIT", "20") >= 3

-- Lua Mode
UNIT:AreaCombatenemiesInfront(20) >= 3


area_range.combatenemies.infront || area_range.cbenemies.infront

  • This condition counts the number of enemy units within a specified combat range that are also in front of a target unit.


  • UNIT: The unit around which to count enemies.
  • RANGE: The maximum combat range within which to count combat enemies (default is 40).

Returns NUMBER

  • The total number of combat enemy units within the specified combat range of the target unit.


-- DSL Mode
{ACTION, "UNIT.area_range(20).combatenemies.infront >= 3", UNIT},

-- in Lua code
_A.DSL:Get("area_range.combatenemies.infront")("UNIT", "20") >= 3

-- Lua Mode
UNIT:Area_rangeCombatenemiesInfront(20) >= 3


  • This condition counts the number of friendly units within a specified distance of a target unit.


  • UNIT: The target unit around which to count friendly units.
  • DISTANCE: The maximum distance within which to count friendly units (default is 40).

Returns NUMBER

  • The total number of friendly units within the specified distance of the target unit.


-- DSL Mode
{ACTION, "UNIT.area(20).friendly >= 3", UNIT},

-- in Lua code
_A.DSL:Get("area.friendly")("UNIT", "20") >= 3

-- Lua Mode
UNIT:AreaFriendly(20) >= 3


  • This condition counts the number of roster units within a specified distance of a target unit.


  • UNIT: The target unit around which to count roster units.
  • DISTANCE: The maximum distance within which to count roster units (default is 40).

Returns NUMBER

  • The total number of roster units within the specified distance of the target unit.


-- DSL Mode
{ACTION, "UNIT.area(20).roster >= 3", UNIT},

-- in Lua code
_A.DSL:Get("area.roster")("UNIT", "20") >= 3

-- Lua Mode
UNIT:AreaRoster(20) >= 3


  • This condition counts the number of friendly units within a specified distance from the target unit, considering only units that are in front of the target.


  • UNIT: The target unit around which to count friendly units.
  • DISTANCE: The maximum distance within which to count friendly units (default is 40).

Returns NUMBER

  • The total number of friendly units within the specified distance from the target unit and in front of it.


-- DSL Mode
{ACTION, "UNIT.area(20).friendly.infront >= 3", UNIT},

-- in Lua code
_A.DSL:Get("area.friendly.infront")("UNIT", "20") >= 3

-- Lua Mode
UNIT:AreaFriendlyInfront(20) >= 3


  • This condition counts the number of units in the raid or party roster within a specified distance from the target unit, considering only units that are in front of the target.


  • UNIT: The target unit around which to count roster units.
  • DISTANCE: The maximum distance within which to count roster units (default is 40).

Returns NUMBER

  • The total number of roster units within the specified distance from the target unit and in front of it.


-- DSL Mode
{ACTION, "UNIT.area(20).roster.infront >= 3", UNIT},

-- in Lua code
_A.DSL:Get("area.roster.infront")("UNIT", "20") >= 3

-- Lua Mode
UNIT:AreaRosterInfront(20) >= 3


  • This condition calculates the total incoming damage for all units in the raid or party roster within a specified distance from the target unit.


  • UNIT: The target unit around which to calculate the incoming damage from roster units.
  • DISTANCE: The maximum distance within which to consider roster units (default is 40).

Returns NUMBER

  • The total incoming damage from roster units within the specified distance from the target unit.


-- DSL Mode
{ACTION, "UNIT.area(20).roster.incdmg >= 400000", UNIT},

-- in Lua code
_A.DSL:Get("area.roster.incdmg")("UNIT", "20") >= 400000

-- Lua Mode
UNIT:AreaRosterIncdmg(20) >= 400000


  • This condition calculates the number of dead player units in the raid or party roster within a specified distance from the target unit.


  • UNIT: The target unit around which to count dead player units in the roster.
  • DISTANCE: The maximum distance within which to count roster units (default is 40).

Returns NUMBER

  • The number of dead player units within the specified distance from the target unit.


-- DSL Mode
{ACTION, "UNIT.area(20).dead.roster >= 3", UNIT},

-- in Lua code
_A.DSL:Get("area.dead.roster")("UNIT", "20") >= 3

-- Lua Mode
UNIT:AreaDeadRoster(20) >= 3